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Company Name
Honolulu Plastic Surgery Center
Contact Name
Randy Wong
Business Phone
Not Displayed
1100 Ward Avenue, Suite 808 , Honolulu, HI, 96814
Mobile Phone
Business Overview
Honolulu Plastic Surgery Center can change your life. Dr. Wong is one of the leading plastic surgeons in Honolulu and is ranked among the best doctors in two different categories, hand surgery and plastic surgery. Dr. Wong's steady hands are part of the reason why he was elected the Director of Microsurgery and Re-plantation Services at Hershey Medical Center in Penn State University Hospital. Dr. Wong and his friendly staff are here to accommodate your comfort and most of all your plastic surgery needs. The Honolulu Plastic Surgery Center integrates a balance of holistic practices and treatments with all of the newest medical technology. Dr. Wong is passionate about his work with a fine eye for detail and high quality care for his patients. Honolulu Plastic Surgery Center Procedures and Services: Facial Rejuvenation Honolulu Fat Injections Honolulu Tummy Tuck Honolulu Liposuction Honolulu Breast Augmentation Honolulu Blepharoplasty Honolulu Advanced Skin Ceuticals

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